
Dale Hurd, Senior CBN News Reporter

‘In my over 40 years as a journalist, I have never encountered a Christian leader treated so harshly and unfairly by ‘democratic’ governments as Torben Sondergaard was. Yet amidst all the terrible things he was forced to endure, watching what looked like the destruction of his life and ministry, Torben’s choice to believe God turned terrible persecution into an extraordinary explosion of God’s goodness and Holy Spirit power. The English evangelist Henry Varley said, ‘The world has yet to see what God can do through a man who is totally yielded to Him.’ As I read this book, I felt I was seeing that man. 412 Days is a must-read for all believers who very soon could face the same persecution.’

Jim Boatman, Esq., Managing Shareholder, Boatman Ricci Law Firm

‘412 Days is a ‘must read’ for skeptics and believers alike. It reads like an epistle from a modern-day Paul. Sondergaard describes both natural and supernatural experiences with such verifiable detail that the reader is left no doubt as to their credibility. Those experiences and the author’s love for the Bible establish a foundation for the sound doctrine the author offers, drawn both from a life of obedience to Jesus and the wicked persecution Sondergaard has experienced in both Europe and America alike. The beauty of this work are the many God-given revelations the author shares and his ultimate conclusions regarding the cost of suffering and his compelling encouragement that the treasure of proximity to God, born from hardship, makes it all worthwhile. This amazing book evidences the good that God can do with the evil intended and represents a critical wake up call to a slumbering Body of Christ about what more of its members are sure to experience in this evil age and the fruit to be born therefrom.’

Ever Calamaco, Graphic designer, founder and contributor at One Way Gospel, EverCalamaco.com

“I have known Torben for several years now, and I’ve had the privilege of working alongside him in various training schools, tent meetings, kickstarts, and other ministry projects. We’ve shared both incredible moments and some really tough times. Over these past years, I’ve heard him repeatedly speak about the coming persecution to America. This book truly reflects the genuine heart of Torben’s life and the deep burden he carries for the body of Christ. So, when I was asked to work on the book cover, I was really excited. The cover had already been designed, so my job was to step in and refine it. The first concept effectively drew the reader into the environment Torben was experiencing—depicting the prison cells, the bunks, and the building itself. But the more I looked at it, the more it felt like there was too much going on visually and it seemed to be missing that emotional connection that the story really needed to convey. So, I started over. Given the nature of the book, I felt that focusing on Torben’s face would create a stronger impact. However, finding the right image was challenging. I reviewed one of his interviews where he discussed key moments from his time in prison. There was this one moment where he was in the middle of sharing his story, and it just clicked. That moment perfectly captured the emotion and essence of what the book is all about. With this shot of Torben on the cover, I aimed to do more than just show the author—I wanted to communicate the heart, the struggle, and the eventual sense of freedom that readers will discover in the pages of the book. The feedback has been overwhelmingly positive, with one person commenting, ‘They say you can't read a book by its cover, yet I feel you can read so much from this!’ It’s true, you can’t judge a book by its cover, but this cover tells a story all on its own. I believe this cover sets the tone before a single page is turned. It’s a powerful story that’s definitely worth reading, as it reveals both the brokenness of our world and the steadfastness of God’s faithfulness.”

Dewayne Smith, pastor and full-time missionary at Sent by Two Ministries

‘When I first met Torben Sondergaard, I not only met him, but I also met God. After that day, my life has never been the same. I was healed, filled, and completely set on fire for God. Not long after that, I joined The Last Reformation training school and eventually ended up in leadership of the ministry, TLR. Over the years, Torben has mentored me and helped me grow into a strong Christian man. Sometime later, we started to travel. About a year into our travels, Torben reached out to me and said he was coming to Florida because he had received a letter from Homeland Security telling him to come to a meeting about his Asylum case. I was in Florida at the time, so I agreed to take him to the meeting. I dropped him off and went to get some food. He was supposed to text me when he was done for me to pick him up, but I never received a text. Two hours later, I went to pick him up, but the parking lot was empty, and he was not there. At that time, I texted his wife Lene to ask what was going on, and she called me to inform me that they had locked him up. I called my wife in shock and couldn’t understand how or why they had done this. About three months later, I had a very strong feeling that I needed to go help Lene, who was in California while we were on the East Coast. I started praying about it, and about three days into praying, Torben called me and asked me to come to California to help the family. We arrived in California and went to check on Lene, who was not in good shape due to the stress of the lawyers, life, and missing her husband. We stayed for almost four months, and it was one of the biggest spiritual battles we had ever been in. The enemy was trying to attack Lene and everyone close to her and Torben in every possible way. This was one of the hardest battles we’ve ever been in, and we’ve been in a lot of battles. We were also there driving with Lene and the girls back across the US as she felt she should come to Florida to be closer to the jail where Torben was. Throughout it all, I've never seen a man keep his faith, stay strong, stay positive, and stay focused on God like Torben did. What an inspiration. Through this whole ordeal, I have been strengthened in my walk. I don’t understand how a man like Torben could be beaten down and separated from his family for so long and still know that God is good. I don’t ever want to go through anything like this again, but I’m so glad that God chose me to be there for him and his family during their time of need. We all need to love each other and learn to be one body. Read this book and let God transform your life as he has done with me and my family.’

Lou Bega, Grammy-nominated musician and singer-songwriter best known for his hit single "Mambo No. 5."

‘I had met Torben shortly after he was released from his horrific 412 days in jail ordeal and I was naturally curious to look into his eyes after such a long time. I will always remember our first engagement when he came to our house to preach the gospel to us. He was a tall, youthful and charismatic man whose Holy Spirit filled appearance would trigger every dark spot within us to be revealed. It was a life-changing weekend in which me and my household were changed eternally. Now seven years later, a skinny bearded man stood in front of me. He seemed to have been broken but not broken down, his softened voice and mild gaze told the story of a servant of Christ who had suffered and endured because of unrighteous persecution like none of us could imagine. Torben 2.0 is still the Torben who had radically and beautifully led our household to be born again but he seems to have become a new creation through suffering in obedience while remaining faithful to the end. This book is a must read for anyone who cannot comprehend that the promised persecution of Christians worldwide will come home sooner than most imagine. Rejoice like Torben—Matthew 5:11-12: ‘Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.’

Kim Nielsen, The Kingdom Encounter

“I'm so glad that you have picked up this book because you are about to get to know a different Torben Søndergaard than the one that has been portrayed in the news, on YouTube, and social media. This book will show you the real Torben Søndergaard—a compassionate father, a loving husband, a caring friend, and a spiritual father to thousands of people around the world. I'm proud to call him my friend and brother. I have lived and ministered in the States for 18 years, but I am Danish like Torben and have known him for almost 25 years. Torben and I did some ministry together in Denmark, but we were never really close. We lost contact after I moved to the United States to work for Matt Sorger Ministries and later as a pastor in a local church here on Long Island, New York. We reconnected when Torben and his family moved to the States in 2019. I attended some of his meetings, and I became hungry for the life he lived as a true disciple of Christ. I wanted it but felt stuck in my 9-5 job as a pastor, mainly doing administrative work. Three years ago, I received a divine phone call from Torben where God truly spoke to me that it was time. I took the biggest and greatest step of faith in my life; I quit my pastor job and started my own ministry. Since then, God has done amazing things in my life, and I have seen people being transformed like never before, making true disciples who obey our Lord. During Torben's time in jail, I often spoke with him over the phone. When his wife Lene got sick, I was asked to take over the daily communication with Torben. This was like an action-thriller. It was a difficult and stressful time, and I have never experienced anything like it before. Torben would often ask me how I was doing, and my problems seemed small compared to his life in jail. I felt convicted—would I be able to follow Jesus to the end? One day, I realized that Torben had invited me deeper into the book of Acts life. We were experiencing and living out the book of Acts. Torben was in jail like Paul the Apostle, “writing letters” to his disciples outside while they were busy baptizing, healing the sick, casting out demons, and establishing Jesus Fellowships around the world. I felt like Tychicus, entrusted with delivering letters and providing updates about Torben's circumstances. It has been life-transforming to be so close to the events as they happened, even though the waiting was extremely hard. I will never forget the morning on August 16 when I was on the phone with Torben, and he suddenly said, ‘Kim, Kim, they are calling my name.... I’m going home….’ It was the moment we had prayed and talked about for so long—the joy and emotions were so overwhelming that we both began to cry. They tried to discourage and destroy Torben by locking him up, but I saw him become freer and freer. I will never be the same again, and I thank God for the unique opportunity and time I had with one of His Kingdom servants. I know you will be challenged and changed by reading this book. Let the Holy Spirit do a new thing in you so you can be ready for what's coming soon.”