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To learn more, watch the first video where Torben shares more about the new KINGDOM TEACHING.

Here you will find an exciting new Kingdom teaching series that God revealed to Torben while he was in jail.

This special teaching series is the main reason why God had Torben in jail for over a year. God wants to restore the GOSPEL of the KINGDOM back to the church—a gospel that has been lost in many places. During that year, God revealed it to Torben in a new way and called him to create a new teaching series about the Kingdom of God.

This series consists of 24 lessons, with several Q&A sessions, providing you with the opportunity to get your questions answered.

We invite you to join in this amazing and life-changing journey.

Sign up for our newsletter today and receive the lessons as they come out.

These teachings will strengthen and set you free, just as they did for Torben.

Kingdom School Lesson 1:
From the Beginning to the New Beginning

In this first lesson of the Kingdom School, Torben takes you from the beginning in the Garden to the new beginning in the new Garden on the new heaven and earth.
He shows you that the Bible is one long story and reveals what you will inherit if you are victorious.

Kingdom School Lesson 2:
Abraham, Our Father - Circumcision Done by Christ

In this second lesson, Torben shows how Abraham is our father in the faith and what that means. He makes it clear that we also need to be circumcised, or we will be cut off, as God said. However, our circumcision is one that is done by Christ Himself and not merely an outward act or done in the flesh.

Kingdom School Lesson 3:
Called Out and Be Separated: The Church in the Wilderness

In this lesson, we explore the Church in the Old Testament, which existed long before the cross. The term "Church" comes from the Greek word ekklēsia, meaning "those that are called out." As stated in 2 Corinthians 6:17: "Come out from them and be separate, says the Lord. Touch no unclean thing, and I will receive you."

Kingdom School Lesson 4:
Saved out of Egypt: Our journey of Salvation

If there were just one message I truly wanted the church to get, it would be this one: to understand what salvation is, what we are saved from, how we are saved, and what we are saved to. Yes, to understand that salvation is a journey and not what most are preaching today. Grasping this message alone will change everything—not only in our personal lives but also in our churches.

Kingdom School Lesson 5:
Law of Moses: Sin and Death - Law of Christ: Freedom and Life

The written law on stones brings death, but Christ is now writing a new law, not on stones but on the hearts of flesh. By the Spirit, we can walk in freedom because in baptism we died to the law of sin and death.

This is probably one of the most important truths the Church needs to hear, as many have fallen into one of the ditches on both sides of the narrow road: legalism on one side and lawlessness on the other.

You can also find the Kingdom teaching as a podcast here.

Do you have questions about what you just heard? Ask them here, and Torben can address them in his Q&A videos.

We don't run our race only looking backward to the cross, but we run our race looking forward to the finish line - the return of our Lord Jesus, where we will finally receive our crown.

The Kingdom Book that Torben wrote in jail is being prepared for print. We hope to have it out in the beginning of 2025. This will be a 500-page book, and we believe it will be a huge blessing for the body of Christ.

Until then, get the ¨412 Days¨ book here.

This is not the final cover.