Kingdom School Lesson 6:
Sarah and Hagar - Law VS Grace - Old VS New Covenant

This was my favorite lesson in jail, and now I share it with you—it is still my favorite lesson. There is so much freedom and revelation here as we show how Hagar and Sarah represent two covenants: one where we remain as slaves and one where we truly experience freedom.
This lesson will also forever reveal who the sons of Abraham are and who will inherit. Watch it and let the truth set you free.

Kingdom School Lesson 7:
Blessings and Curses - The Truth About John 3:16 & Romans 10:9

This lesson will truly open your eyes to how we have misunderstood the New Testament because we don't read it in light of the Old Testament. We will look at how the law ends with the blessings and curses and how it points to Jesus. We will also explore how well-known verses like John 3:16 and Romans 10:9 refer back to Moses before they point forward to Jesus again.

Kingdom School Lesson 8:
David and the Rock - Your Kingdom Come

Did you know that when you pray "Your kingdom come," it goes back to David? Did you know that David and Goliath is a picture of Jesus and the fall of the kingdoms of this world?

After this teaching, you will see the Kingdom of God in a new way, and you will never be able to hear the story of David and Goliath without seeing how the rock represents Christ, who one day will come down from heaven, destroy all the kingdoms, and establish the Kingdom of God here on earth.

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We have been preaching the King (Jesus) without His Kingdom, while others preach the Kingdom without the King (Jesus). We are called to preach both the Kingdom and the King.

Do you have questions about what you just heard? Ask them here, and Torben can address them in his Q&A videos.

The Kingdom Book that Torben wrote in jail is being prepared for print. We hope to have it out in the beginning of 2025. This will be a 500-page book, and we believe it will be a huge blessing for the body of Christ.

Until then, get the ¨412 Days¨ book here.

This is not the final cover.