From the book…
On these pages, you will find various pictures from the jail where Torben spent over a year, as well as links mentioned in the book "412 Days." You will also find information about the second book he wrote while in jail.
One of the many pods. This pod looks exactly like Pod B6 where Torben spent more than a year. His cell is on the upper level, third from the right. Cell N. Image courtesy of News4JAX, FL
A picture from the security room shows one of the pods. This pod has a 4-man cell and is similar to B8, where Torben stayed a month after his time in isolation. Image courtesy of News4JAX, FL
The medication room is where they went for checks or, as Torben did twice, to get a TB shot to check for tuberculosis. Once, he sat on those chairs for 4 hours only to be sent back. Image courtesy of News4JAX, FL
A video call Torben made from Pod B6 shows the stairs he would run up and down many times per day to exercise.
A picture of the box where you would be sent if you did something wrong, with no phone or anyone to talk to. Torben can tell some crazy stories about friends being sent here. Image courtesy of News4JAX, FL
Cells with a handicap toilet are bigger than the rest, and Torben often held meetings in a cell like this as it could accommodate 12-15 people. Image courtesy of News4JAX, FL
This is the outside recreation area. There would be a call over the loud speaker, "rec, rec", signaling they had a few minutes to get ready if they wanted to go outside. When Torben went he often ran many laps and did some push-ups. This was the closest he got to nature that year. Image courtesy of News4JAX, FL
A picture from the security room where you can see inside two pods at the same time. Image courtesy of News4JAX, FL
Last Sunday Torben was there he prayed for a man who fell down. A few seconds later, they called out over the loudspeaker, "Why is he lying on the floor?" The guards came running. When they heard what happened, they said, "As long as no one got hurt," and left. Image courtesy of News4JAX, FL
A cell like Torben's. His bed was on the other side. You see the shower where he made lukewarm coffee with the shower water because there was no hot coffee available in jail. Image courtesy of News4JAX, FL
One of the two vending machines. This one has candy and soup which was like currency. Each person only had two toilet paper rolls per week. Torben used the paper to clean his cup and often needed to get toilet paper from others who gladly give one away in exchange for some soup or candy. Image courtesy of News4JAX, FL
The jail where you see the two parts A and B, each with eight pods. Every pod has 8 four-man cells or 16 two-man cells. So, this jail had over 500 beds.
A picture Torben made showing how the jail was divided up. Here you see the 8 pods. B1, B2, etc. He started in Isolation in pod B7. After 10 days he was transferred to B8 with the four-man cells, and after a month, he was then transferred to B6 with the two-man cells where he spent a year.
One of the many studies Torben did. This one was about the persecution in the early Church that we see in the book of Acts. Together with the two books, Torben wrote over 600 pages using over 30 security pens.
A picture an inmate drew of Torben's cell. He often sat and drew, and Torben asked him one day to do a picture of his cell to show people when he is released. He gave him 4 soups from the vending machine for this drawing.
Resurrection Sunday testimony
From the book: “Last year, on Resurrection Sunday, I visited a church near our home in California. It was my first time trying to go to a bigger church on Resurrection Sunday. When I arrived there, there were many people, and I looked around me. A few rows further down, I saw a woman and her husband. The woman walked with crutches. And when I saw her, I immediately felt God wanted me to go and pray for her afterward.”
The Online Pioneer School
From the book: “Years ago, God did many new things in our lives during a tough time. One day, He told me, “Torben, we need pioneers. Start a pioneer school.”
From this word came our free online Pioneer Training School, which has now been seen by tens of thousands of people and translated into many languages, and through it, thousands of lives have been changed..”
“A demonic storm”
From the book: A big, demonic storm struck the area. Usually, I don't use words like that to describe the weather, but I have seen nothing like it. It reminds us of Jesus and His disciples in Mark 4. Jesus said, “‘Let's go to the other side.’ Then He fell asleep in the boat. A storm rose up as they crossed. It was so bad that the disciples were afraid. ‘We are going down, Lord! We are going down!’”
Bible Discovery Groups
This is what Torben did in jail. In a very short time, he trained three new disciples to each run a Bible Discovery Group in their cells. Later, others copied the papers Torben made with the Bible verses, and people began doing the same in other pods. This is a very simple and effective tool for making disciples.
Revealing series
A documentary series has been produced, revealing the persecution of Torben, uncovering the truth behind it all, and identifying those responsible.
Framing by TV Program
The first episode shows how Torben cooperated with a television program. However, the creators had an agenda. The program misled viewers in Denmark and made them believe Torben was dangerous and should be dealt with. It also influenced politics and advocated that casting out demons in certain situations be made punishable.
Undercover journalists
The second episode continues by analyzing the documentary that was broadcast on Danish TV. It demonstrates how the series was not an example of objective journalism but rather a smear campaign. They attempted to make it seem as though Torben was involved in quackery and dishonest with finances.
The persecutors
In this episode, our attention turns toward two specific individuals who have emerged as significant adversaries to Torben and his ministry. Their actions involve coordinating a campaign against Torben and his work both in Denmark and the United States.
The arrest
This episode shows vital evidence around the persecution of Torben in the United States and the terrible effects of slander. The episode identified the main source of this slander. It was this slander that eventually led to Torben's detention.
This episode may be blocked in your country. Click here to see the episode on Vimeo.
Coming next…
The Kingdom Book
One of the most powerful moments Torben experienced in jail was when God spoke to him about writing the Kingdom Book. One of the main reasons God put him in jail was to give him this teaching about the Kingdom of God and to write the Kingdom Book.
We believe the book 412 Days will impact many people. It is full of testimonies and truth from the Bible.
But as beautiful and powerful as testimonies are, we need to be reminded that only the Word of God can set us free.
When we face trials, and the enemy comes and tempts us, you need to be able to say, "It is written," just as Jesus did when he was tested and tempted by the enemy.
This book will take you through the Bible from beginning to end, revealing the importance of the Kingdom of God.
Some of the chapters in this book:
Chapter 5 Garden of Eden
Chapter 6 Abraham Our Father
Chapter 7 Called Out
Chapter 8 Exodus
Chapter 9 Law of Moses (The Mosaic Law)
Chapter 13 The Davidic Covenant
Chapter 14 King Jesus
Chapter 15 The Parables
Chapter 16 The Cross
Chapter 20 The Day of The Lord
Chapter 21 The Signs of His Coming
Chapter 25 The 1000 Years
Chapter 26 New Heaven & New Earth -
From chapter 20 - Day of The Lord
We all understand the need to repent, lead a holy life, and obey Jesus, but why? The clearer the understanding of the "why," the stronger our commitment becomes. For example, why is repentance necessary? While one may initially respond that it is to be saved, the reasons run deeper. We find part of the answer here:
"In the past, God overlooked such ignorance, but now He commands all people everywhere to repent. For He has set a day when He will judge the world with justice by the man He has appointed. He has given proof of this to everyone by raising Him from the dead." (Acts 17:30-31 NIV)
Repentance is essential because God has designated a day for judgment. The deeper the understanding of that day and its implications, the clearer the reasons for repentance become. Why lead a holy life? While acknowledging that God is holy, we find a deeper insight:
"Dear friends, now we are children of God, and what we will be has not yet been made known. But we know that when Christ appears, we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is." (1 John 3:2 NIV)
Once again, the understanding that God has appointed a day when Jesus will appear shapes our perspective on living a holy life. Why obey Him and share the gospel? While the answer may be "because God commands it," there is a deeper motivation:
"So we make it our goal to please Him, whether we are at home in the body or away from it. For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ so that each of us may receive what is due us for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad. Since, then, we know what it is to fear the Lord, we try to persuade others. What we are is plain to God, and I hope it is also plain to your conscience." (2 Corinthians 5:9-11 NIV)
Once more, we are reminded that our actions are guided by the forthcoming appearance of our Lord Jesus and the judgment seat of Christ. Understanding this future event compels us to seek to please Him and persuade others to do the same, as Paul emphasized: "Since, then, we know what it is to fear the Lord, we try to persuade others."
Looking Forward
I want to share some verses from the book of Daniel that have really spoken to me, revealing something I haven't pondered before or not in this manner.
"Multitudes who sleep in the dust of the earth will awake: some to everlasting life, others to shame and everlasting contempt. Those who are wise will shine like the brightness of the heavens, and those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars forever and ever." (Daniel 12:2-3 NIV)
In these verses, we read about the day of judgment, a topic we will delve into further later in detail. It is highlighted that on that day, those who lead many to righteousness will shine like the stars. It goes beyond mere obedience because of God's command. Understanding the "why" behind our actions strengthens our resolve. Why do we strive to lead many to righteousness? It is because those who do so will receive their reward and shine like the stars forever and ever, as stated here.
The examples I have shared always emphasize the focus on the appointed day of the Lord's appearance, the culmination of this age, and the subsequent judgment and reward. Those who obeyed lived with anticipation of that future day. However, many Christians today do not live with a forward-looking focus on that future day of judgment. As a result, their obedience may not align as it should. They live for the present instead of preparing for the imminent day, which may leave them unprepared with little fruit to show when it arrives. Just as Jesus endured the cross with the future glory set before Him, we too endure our challenges by anticipating the reward ahead, not solely out of obligation.
"Fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer, and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before Him, He endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God." (Hebrews 12:2 NIV)
It is crucial for us to grasp this concept. While we are grateful for the sacrifice of the cross, our focus should extend beyond the past event to Jesus' second coming and the promises He holds for us.
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