My First Post: My First Zoom Meeting

This is my first blog post, and there is so much I want to share.
But let’s share a few things here.

Firstly, I had the honor of sharing on Zoom with a group of people in Florida recently, and it was a tremendous blessing.

Many of them didn't know anything about me, but they were amazed by what I shared. It was remarkable to see how much I have to share from my experiences, such as the transformation and revelation I received during my time in jail and the revival and how God transformed many people in prison.
I also touched on the ongoing court case and what is happening there.

I know I will do more of what I did the other day, sharing this. I was so excited afterward, jumping around in the house we were in.

The church needs this. And I see how God has transformed me and prepared me to prepare others. It became obvious that day sharing.

We can all easily confess: "Yes, Jesus, I will follow you. I am ready to go to jail or even die for you." But are we genuinely ready if and when it comes?

The truth is... or let me say it like this...

It is time to live as disciples. Start there. Start sharing Jesus without shame.
Start being a light in a dark world, not afraid to stand out.

And then get the Word inside of you. Start to be equipped.

When I went live with Torben yesterday, it was about being equipped. It was so good. You can see it here: LINK.

But I loved it and will do more of this and give out more teaching soon, as needed.

About our case, just a few days ago, we had a mediation meeting for over 5 hours regarding the defamation case, and we finally settled. I can now use the defamation video to help spread the truth, and I am thankful for that. We can start sharing it in a few weeks.

Even though I am out of jail, the fight is still ongoing, and I have had some uncomfortable experiences that I cannot share here right now. However, we also see that God is working, and we have faith that everything will turn out for good.

As we still have bills to catch up on and the fight continues on several levels, please consider supporting us with a gift.

I look forward to the day when all of this is over, but until then, we stand firm in Christ and thank you for standing with us.

I highly recommend our Timeline on this website if you still need to see it.
It provides much information and a clear understanding of all the events. Until next time.

Love and blessings,

Torben Sondergaard

If you would like to give a gift, you can do so here:


New Beginnings in Mexico: God is at Work