
We want to use this website to tell the story of what happened in jail and how God transformed Torben there. But we also want to share some of the newer Bible teachings Torben has done since his release. Torben loves the Bible, teaching, and helping people understand the true gospel—helping people so they can be set free from sin and live as true disciples of Christ.

On TheLastReformation.com website, you can already find hundreds of hours of teaching, such as the free “online Pioneer School”, “The Kickstart Package” or “The Call of Jesus”, that have made a difference in thousands all over the world.

Since Torben's release, he has started teaching again, and God revealed a new profound revelation during his imprisonment.

We will share some of the newer teachings on this page.

For more teachings like this, visit the YouTube channel here: youtube.com/thelastreformation

Life is so unfair - I lost it all. But if we have the right focus, we don't get bitter.

New series about the gospel shared with a new focus on the Kingdom of God"

1/ Repentance, Sin, and the Kingdom: Restoring Truth to the Church

3/ Fire baptism at his second coming. Coming soon

2/ Unlocking the Power of Baptism: Freedom from Sin and Revelation Await