InsideOut ‘spiritual rape’ story published

InsideOut publishes a story about a handicapped girl named Ida on their Facebook page. They share about a ‘violent demon deliverance’ that Ida experienced as ‘rape’.

Years later, when Torben was in jail, Youtuber Paul May published videos about this same person, Ida. However, this was another version of the story. No longer were the words ‘spiritual rape’ used but ‘physical rape’.

Paul testified under oath about this it during a deposition as part of a defamation lawsuit Torben filed against him. He says that he has been in contact with André Højer about the alleged rape and André told him things about it. He says he was not aware of another version of this story.

On another occasion, Paul shares that he heard about Ida through Franck and that he was connected with Ida and her mother through Franck.

On Paul’s Youtube channel (not available anymore) Paul published a recording of the mother of Ida. Ida’s mother shared how Ida told her she was raped by Torben.

Who is Ida?

We spoke to various people to understand who Ida is and to learn more about this false accusation.

Sara Niaki Tavakoli (helper at the TLR event in 2017 where the alleged rape should have taken place): “Ida showed up to the Jesus Center in Denmark alone. She told us she wanted to be baptized. I, together with two others, had a good talk with her about God and faith in Him, about life with Jesus, and about what baptism means. We couldn't help but notice that Ida's mental/psychological state seemed different. It was clear that Ida's mental state indicated a delayed or deficient cognitive ability. But from the answers she gave, she showed she was very well informed what the meaning of baptism is. We baptized Ida and we prayed for her. It was a quiet baptism, there were no manifestations. Afterwards, Ida went back to Copenhagen. We asked her if she could make the trip there alone, to which she said yes. I remember I felt a little unsure if she could make the trip alone to Copenhagen, but she went, and we never saw her again at the Jesus Hotel.”

Torben Søndergaard: “I have never met Ida. Back in Denmark, in the end of 2018, I was shown a picture of her by the TV production team that made God’s Best Children. They asked me if I knew the lady on the picture. I had no idea who she was, as I had never seen her before. I knew they were up to something since they showed that picture and asked many questions. However, I did not know at that time what. It was much later I heard about these false accusations, like a ‘violent deliverence’ and even ‘rape’. I even heard that the crime was alleged to have occurred while my wife, Lene, and three other couples were present, as part of a supposed demonic ritual conducted at our schools. Until this day, I have never met her or spoken with her. ”

Below is a recording of a conversation with Paul May and an investigative journalist. In the recording Paul shares what Ida told him and his wife.

Transcription of Paul’s words: “What she told us, is that there were six people in the room. And they did it as a ritual. The people were naked. And the names that were in that room… Torben and Lene were one. There were two couples and two men. And there was one man in there that was very powerful in Denmark and very connected and supplied everything for Torben and Lene […inaudible…] but he had to distance himself publicly. But they did it as a ritual to induct her. It’s a celebrity in Denmark who knows everybody. And that’s also how he got celebrities in Torben’s videos. It’s a satanic cult.”

Lebo Akatio: “Ida used to come to our fellowship in Copenhagen in 2015. She got baptized there upon her request. To be honest, It was very hard to help her because of her handicap, and it was not always easy to understand her. A lady from our fellowship who drove Ida was often in contact with Ida’s mom. The mother understood when we couldn’t help Ida as she wanted. After the baptism, Ida requested to be baptized again. We told her that it was not possible, as there is only one baptism. But Ida kept pushing on it. This is when Ida started saying disturbing things. After this, Ida no longer came to our fellowship, her mom understood and was thankful for our willingness to help her daughter. Ida continued writing to me, and years later she wrote for example ‘I beat your child to death’. Very strong words. Of course she didn’t mean to kill anybody, but she had a hard time formulating herself properly, and out of anger and disappointment she often said weird things.”

Disturbing message of Ida to Lebo Akatio over Facebook Messenger.

Tommy Gubi: “Years ago, I believe somewhere between 2014 and 2016, I received an email from Ida expressing her desire to be baptized. Upon meeting her, I quickly realized she had mental problems. But since she had come all the way to the south of Denmark, I agreed to baptize her. Later I discovered she had also been baptized by my friend Henrik who live 20 minutes from me.”


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