Episode 2 on TV: bill is submitted to Danish Parliament

The second episode of God’s Best Children makes the case that ‘casting out of demons’ on children or in the presence of children is a form of psychological violence and abuse. It uses misleading footage to make that case.

For example, it shows a boy in his underwear crying. The public is misled to believe the boy is scared of what happened at one of Torben’s events.

The episode triggers a national debate.

Various experts in the program can be linked to André due to his involvement* with Inside Out, a Danish government-funded organization. Episode 3 of the Revealing series shows this connection.

The same day, bill L139 was submitted to the Danish Parliament. It proposes to criminalize ‘psychological violence’ towards kids and people with disabilities with a fine or imprisonment for up to three years.


Episode 3 airs


Torben files a complaint at Danish Press Council